While schools are providing much work and support, and there are many resources available, there are also many children who are not yet able to return to school, with parents who will need to continue working from home and would benefit from having a regular timetable of classes. Skillspace will run a mix of pre-recorded and live streamed short classes which will be shown at set times each day. These will be a mix of sessions which link and build over the week as well as stand-alone sessions. Most sessions will include follow-on work such as an independent activity or worksheet to be completed. Although this will not be the same as being in school, it would allow some sort of routine and learning with a teacher.
The school community is so special; it allows us to be a part of children’s growth and allows them to feel a part of something. The security of routines and expectations are vital to us all but particularly children. This is what I hope to replicate at Skillspace, in some small way, until we are able to go back to our usual lives.